Get alerts when stock price drops

Stocks Notifier is software that tracks stocks and sends notifications when the price drops to or below your desired level, so you never miss a great deal on your favorite stocks again.

Follow the below steps to download and run this.


1. Download binary from here: Downloads

2. Download stocks.json file and edit the stocks and threshold value you want.

Check Yahoo Finance for naming convention of stocks.

To try it out

Copy and run the below command

./stocks-notifier .

Pass the directory where stocks.json is located.

To run this in background

Copy and run the below command

nohup ./stocks-notifier . &

This will also store logs in nohup.out file.

Compiling from source

1. Clone the git repository.

git clone

2. Copy `stocks.sample.json` to `stocks.json` and list the stocks and threshold value you want.

Check Yahoo Finance for naming convention of stocks.

To try it out

Copy and run the below command

go run stocks-notifier.go .

Pass the directory where stocks.json is located.

To run this in background

Copy and run the below command

nohup go run stocks-notifier.go . &

This will also store logs in nohup.out file.


I wanted to get notification when a stock's price crosses a particular value, without having to sign up using my email or phone number. Similarly I didn't want to get any ads and have something which was lightweight on resources.